Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Generate Idea to create own product.

To brainstorm is not easy as we know.

There are several ways that people make money online and the home based business model is growing in popularity. Whether you have a networking marketing business or are promoting and affiliate product, being able to write an article on your blog or even create a product for you business can be a great way to increase your influence and income. Unfortunately, many people get writer's block when it comes to these types of projects. Here are a few tips to get you started writing and creating something of value to share with the world

1. Always travel with a notebook and a pen. Writers, inventors and geniuses like Leonardo da Vinci all made sure that they had something they could use to transfer their brilliant ideas and inspirations on to for future reference. Think about it...I'm sure at some point in your life you've had a great idea, forgotten about, only to find that someone else who has had the same idea as you turn it into a reality. If you find that's the case...don't just means that you're full of good ideas and you just need to take action on them. When you have an idea, quickly jot it in your handy notebook so that you can come back to it later.

2. Let the good ideas roll. Too often we destroy what could be a great idea when it is still forming. This is why you don't want to edit your daily inspirations and thoughts before you write them down but rather take some time at the end of each week to review all the ideas you've written down and prioritize the ones that you feel have the best potential to be successful at this particular time. You can save the other ideas for later.

3. Start writing from your passions. If you are just starting out in affiliate marketing or attempting to create a product, begin with something you enjoy. Your passion for you topic will come through in your writing and inspire other ideas and insights you can share with the world. You've seen the people who could talk for hours under water with a mouth full of rocks...they are truly passionate about something. Bring that same energy to your own income opportunity, home based business or network marketing product and you'll find that it can be contagious.

P:s/ what my product?? still not clear.. warrghh

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