Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Install networkedblogs on your facebook to increase traffic!!

Hi guys, this time i will share how to install networked-blogs on your face-book account. This tool can be increase your blog traffic of visitors. Right now the member of networked-blogs almost 400.000 users, this is very potential to increase visitors come to your blog.

I will guide you step by step. Follow this step.
1. log in to your facebook and search “networkedblogs” or visit this link networkedblogs

2. Click “networkedblogs" icon

3. Become fan of networkedblogs(jadi penggemar)

4. Click tab wall and click “go to application” button

5. Choose “allow" button

6. Select 5 blogs to follow or more and you could choose related with your blog to follow(choose category at the bottom of page)

7. When all done the sixth step, click “next” button at the bottom of page.

8. This optional to follow, click this link to the next step

9. Now add your blog(add new blog)

10. Fill the data of your blog and click “next” button

11. OK finish until here.

OK guys time to rest this night. Don't forget to leave your comment, thanks a lot.

Best regards, the millionaire 2020.

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